Magic acorns were weapons created by the High AldwinJunn.

Bavmorda catches the acorn that Willow throws, but is powerful enough to prevent herself from turning to stone.
When the High Aldwin sent Willow on his expedition, he entrusted him with a handful of magic acorns that turned to stone whatever they were thrown at. When Willow was harassed by the caged Madmartigan, he threatened to throw one at him but decided that it would be a waste. He also trie to use one on the troll that attacks him at Tir Asleen, but he fumbled and dropped it off a bridge. He finally managed to use one against Queen Bavmorda while she was trying to perform the Ritual of Oblivion, but her magic was too powerful and she managed to reverse the spell.[1]
In a scene that was cut from the film, Willow used one acorn on a fish-like sea monster on his way to Fin Raziel's island.
- Willow (First appearance)
- Willow: A Novel
- The Willow Game