- "Sunfire" whiskey
- 1988
- 2021
- Abang
- Adik
- Adwoa Aboah
- Ageless Oak
- Aidan Cook
- Airk
- Airk Tanthalos
- Airk Thaughbaer
- Alan Bennett
- Alayna Jacobs
- Aldwin
- Alexander Bracq
- Alexis Rodney
- Ali Sarebani
- Alifer
- Allagash
- Allen Varney
- Alyn
- Amalia Vitale
- Amar Chadha-Patel
- Amulet of Healing
- Anakerie
- And Now for Something Completely Different: The Willow Sourcebook (Interviewing Allen Varney)
- Andowyne
- Andrew Herd
- Anele
- Angorian
- Angwyn
- Angwyn (city)
- Angwyn Bay
- Animate
- Annabel
- Annabelle Davis
- Anne
- Anthony Knight
- Anti-magic talisman
- Anti-magic ward
- Arbalest
- Arcana
- Arianna
- Army of Nockmaar
- Army of Nockmaar oath
- Arnold Lee
- Arrival Day
- Ascension
- Ashley C. Williams
- Asphodel
- Axanderan
- Axe
- Ballantine
- Bandicour
- Barbara Fadden
- Barmaid
- Barrier
- Bastian
- Battalion
- Battle
- Battle Axe
- Battle at Land's End
- Battle of Nockmaar
- Battle of Tir Asleen
- Bavmorda
- Bavmorda's Swamp
- Bavmorda's druid adviser
- Bavmorda's mother
- Bayan
- Bayan (island)
- Benjamin Ashley
- Benjamin Revolori
- Bethan Lock
- Bets
- Beyond the Shattered Sea
- Billy Barty
- Black Rose
- Blackroot
- Blessings From the High Aldwyn
- Blood of the Six
- Bloodstar
- Bluebonnet
- Bob Dolman
- Bob Hall
- Bob Ramsey
- Bogarda
- Bolo
- Bolt of Flame
- Bone Reavers
- Book of Magic
- Boots of Stealth
- Borugar
- Bow
- Brithemain
- Brithemain (individual)
- Brobantula
- Brobantula's automaton
- Brownie
- Brownie Points
- Burglekutt
- Buttercup
- Calan Dineer
- Canterfree
- Canyon Maze
- Canyon Maze (location)
- Caoimhe Farren
- Carbolomir
- Carissima
- Cascadel
- Cascadel River
- Cascani
- Cascani Archipelago
- Cashmere
- Cashmere Paladins
- Castle Galladoorn
- Cat
- Cataclysm
- Cathy East Dubowski
- Centaurs
- Ch'ang-ja
- ChangeSpell
- Chant of Inviolation
- Charlie Bedford
- Charlie Dealaselle
- Charlie Rawes
- Charlotte Louise
- Chengwei
- Cherilyn Mawby
- Cherlindrea
- Cherlindrea's wand
- Cheryl Howard
- Children of the Wyrm
- Chloe Paget
- Chris Achilleos
- Chris Claremont
- Christian Slater
- Christopher Painter
- Christopher White
- Chronicles of the Shadow War
- Circle of the Flesh
- Circle of the Spirit
- Circle of the World
- Claudia Hughes
- Cleaner-troll
- Collodius
- Company
- Conjuring room
- Copper
- Court magician
- Craig Salisbury
- Crocus
- Crow
- Crow's cage
- Currency
- Cyclops
- Daikini
- Daikini crossroads
- Daniel Naprous
- Danny Woodburn
- David Cheung
- David J. Steinberg
- David Sibley
- Dawn Downing
- Death Dog
- Death Forest
- Debs Paterson
- Deceiver
- Dell
- Delphinia Gwin Suspirion
- Demon
- Demon Queen
- Dempsey Bryk
- Dennis Muren
- Derek Horsham
- Dermot Hastur
- Deserts
- Devil Eye
- Dew
- Dew's blacksmith
- Diane deGroat
- Digital Effects: Digital Dawn
- Dire wolf
- Disappearing-pig trick
- Disney+
- Doren John Farmer
- Dragon
- Dragon Shield
- Dragon Sword
- Dread Mines of Skellin
- Druid
- Druid stones
- Drumheller
- Dryad
- Durward
- Dust of Broken Heart
- Dust of Lingering Sorrow
- Dust of Shattered Dreams
- Dust of Smoldering Fury
- Eagle
- Eagle Clan
- Eastern Brook
- Eastern Continent
- Eborsisk
- Edwin Alofs
- Eileen Davies
- Eldredd Wolf
- Elemental
- Elf
- Ellie Bamber
- Elora's Aerie
- Elora Danan
- Elora Danan's mother
- Elstree Studios
- Emperor
- Epping Forest
- Erin Kellyman
- Ethna
- Evie Watts Evans
- Fabio Santos
- Fairy
- Fairy dust
- Falken
- Fall of Galladoorn
- Fanged Beast
- Farmer
- Faron
- Fay
- Fennel
- File
- Fin Raziel
- Fire breather
- Fire moth
- Fish Boy
- Fishing village
- Flowing Fire
- Fly
- Forerunners
- Franjean
- Fred Wood
- Freen Nelwyn
- Freeze
- Freeze in Quartz
- From The Bridge: The Smaller The Better
- Frost giant
- Gabrielle Millard
- Gales
- Gales attack on Tir Asleen
- Galladoorn
- Galladoorn-Tir Asleen trade route
- Galladoornian malt
- Ganthem's Crossing
- Ganush
- Garegg Toth
- Gathering
- Gavan O'Herlihy
- Gavan O'Herlihy: Warrior of Yesterday
- General
- George Appleby
- George Jones
- George Lucas
- George Lucas: Father of the Force
- George Smith
- Gerald Staddon
- Gerald Zarcilla
- Gerry Crampton
- Geryn Havilhand
- Ghilasson
- Ghoul
- Gillabraie
- Glasssmith
- Glengarry Bob
- Glog
- Goat
- Graeme Crowther
- Graham Hughes
- Graydon Hastur
- Great Givers
- Great Hunt
- Great Mystery
- Greater Faery
- Greg Powell
- Grove
- Grulborig
- Gustavo Cabral
- Gwenaari
- Halberd
- Hamartiad
- Hannah Friedman
- Hannah Waddingham
- Hanray
- Harkenwell
- Harrison Davis
- Hasit Savani
- Hassan Taj
- Hayley Burroughs
- Healing Draught
- Healmace
- High Aldwin
- High Elf
- Hilda
- Hopeful
- Horse
- Hubert
- Ian Kay
- Imagine Entertainment
- Immemorial City
- InSight
- In the Light of the Shadow Moon
- In the Words of Willow
- Industrial Light & Magic
- Industrial Light & Magic: Into the Digital Realm
- Inland Sea
- Island of Fin Raziel
- Jack Kilmer
- Jack Purvis
- Jade Claymore
- James Horner
- Jamie Childs
- Jane Carr
- Janet J. Kramer
- Jarenth
- Jason Beeston
- Jayesh Harji
- Jean Giraud
- Jean Marsh
- Jean Marsh: Belle of the Bad
- Jennifer Guy
- Jimmy Vee
- Jo Duffy
- Joan D. Vinge
- Joanna Dickens
- Joanne Whalley
- Joanne Whalley: Sorsha's Cutting Remarks
- John Bickerstaff
- John Cumming
- John Ghavan
- John Sharpe
- Jon Callaway
- Jon M. Chu
- Jonathan Kasdan
- Joonas Suotamo
- Josh Dyer
- Julia Cooperman
- Julian Glover
- Julie Peters