Willow Wiki

The Planting Festival,[1] also known as the Nelwyn Fair,[2] was a spring festival of the Nelwyns.


The Festival features musical performences, sporting contests, stage presentations, and lots of food and activities. At some point during the fair, the villagers brought out the Wickerman, a thatch figure that symbolized the Nelwyn way of peace and generosity.

1342 years after the Nelwyn Arrival Day,[1] the Planting Festival at Willow Ufgood's village also hosted the selection of an apprentice by the High Aldwin. However, the fair was disrupted when a Death Dog came out of the blue, wreaking havoc in the village. In fact, the creature was searching for Elora Danan, a baby girl who, according to an old prophecy, would provoke the fall of the Demon Queen Bavmorda.[3]




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